Archive for the ‘Barcelona ghinion’ Tag

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Let’s talk about…

… Barcelona’s awful week and their downfall. Does Barcelona have to reinvent itself or should they just go to a witch and get rid of bad luck? šŸ™‚

Language stuff:

– Some modals (must vs. have to, should)

– Verb prefixes (Barcelona must reinvent themselves, many people disapproved Guardiola’s tactics)


Hai sa vorbim despre…

… saptamana groaznica a Barcelonei si declinul ei. Trebuie ca Barcelona sa se reinventeze sau ar trebui doar sa mearga la vrajitoare si sa scape de ghinion? šŸ™‚

Chestiuni de limba:

– Niste verbe modale (must vs. have to, should)

– Prefixe ale verbelor (Barcelona mustĀ reinvent themselves, many peopleĀ disapproved Guardiola’s tactics)